W W E RAW 5-10-04
Video package of Cade and HBK becoming #1 Contender's to the Tag Team Titles.

Opening Montage

YOUR hosts: JR and 'The King.'
Prelude to Eugene's first match. Lots of down talk to Regal about Eugene winning.
Eugene def Maven via Pinfall (Palsy Plex)*
Nephew Eugene gets his first match.
Victoria def Jacqueline via Pinfall (Happy Fun Spinning Slam)
Women's Title match.
NITRO Rebound: Recap of Nitro's 5-8-04 Show.
Reminder push for transition match.
Garrison Cade & Shawn Michaels def Chris Benoit and Edge via Pinfall (Cade Elbow Drop of DOOM on Edge) to win the World Tag Team Championship
New Tag Champs, Vince announcement regarding Tag Titles.
Chris Jericho def Christian via Disqualification (Stratus-ference)
Trish's heel turn.
Smack Down! Rebound: Recap SD! 5-6-04 Show
Last push for tonight's main.
Matt Morgan & Goldberg def Evolution (Randy Orton/Triple H AND Ric Flair/Batista)
Escalation of fued with Goldberg and Triple H. Escalation of Batista/Morgan fued.
*A Palsy Plex is a modified Fisherman's Suplex, where the move is rolled instead of lifted, and winds up with both of the victim's legs held.