W W E RAW 5-3-04
Video package showing Edge and Benoit becoming Tag Champs with the graphic showing the only two teams to hold all the gold at once.

Opening Montage

YOUR hosts: JR and 'The King.'
Garrison Cade is in Bischoff's office and wants tag team gold. Bischoff allows him a chance to become the #1 contender for tag gold, if he can find a partner now. Cade looks concerned, but goes off to find a partner while La Resistance's music plays and they head to the ring.
Garrison Cade and Mystery Partner def La Resistance (Rob Conway & Sylvain Grenier) via Pinfall (Cade Elbow Drop of DOOM on Grenier)
Cade's partner is none other than HBK!
Victoria def Jazz via Pinfall (Widow's Peak) to retain WWE Women's Championship
Women's Title match.
NITRO Rebound: Recap of Nitro's first show. Matt Hardy winning the Television Title, and Kurt Angle winning the Championship.
Tyson Tomko def Rosey via Pinfall (Bane Bomb)
Tomko squash.
Batista def Matt Morgan via Pinfall (Triple Sledge-erference)
Batista gets the first blood in this pairing.
Smack Down! Rebound: Recap SD! 4-29-04 Show
Last Push for main event.
Chris Benoit def Goldberg via Disqualification (More Triple Sledge-erference) to retain the World Heavyweight Championship
Ouch! But allows Goldberg to develop into a secondary fued with Triple H. Benoit to move on and set up eventual matches with Evolution.